“Sin Renuncia”. Dance: Rafael Campallo. Voice: Miguel Soto ‘El Londro’, Jesús Corbacho. Guitar: David Vargas, Juan Campallo. Percussion: José Carrasco. Wednesday, March 13th, 2019. Jueves Flamencos de Cajasol, Sala Chicarreros, Seville. Full house.
Sara Arguijo
In the title of the work that debuted Wednesday in Cajasol, Rafael Campallo broadcast his intention not to abandon for a single moment his classic approach to flamenco dance. Despite the fact that remaining true to the school of his city and his heritage prevents him from participating in certain circuits where he could be included because of his artistic quality, but where such shows (with a traditional aesthetic) are no longer welcome.
In that sense, Sin Renuncia can’t compete, in the conceptual sense, nor in the exquisite elaborate staging of the works of his peers. Mostly because the most interesting thing in going to see Rafael Campallo is being able to stand in front of him and contemplate the richness of detail in his gestures.
In other words, even putting into practice the specific natural type of flamenco dance glued to his eyelashes, the man from Seville reveals himself at times to be a unique artist capable of marking the difference with profiled poses, a shoulder movement, a well-timed stop or precise footwork without being overbearing.
But above all, and as we were able to once again see, Campallo is the king of the fiesta. A natural winner who, from the smile, the swagger and craftiness, delighted the audience, daring them with a swivel of the hips.
We enjoyed his serene farruca, the taranto in which he showed off his turns and the energy of his feet, the soleá he carried off with incredible control, but where he was truly inspired was in the brief tangos he laid out, and with which he got the audience worked up, and in the closing bulerías.
Because it’s there, in his relaxed body, and in the ease with which he pulls off these forms, where were find the most personal, authentic and inspiring Campallo. In those winks, in that twisting of the torso, in that sensuality and that simple dance – and yet so tremendously difficult – where we would forever linger.
Pero, sobre todo, y como volvió a quedar patente esta noche, Campallo es el rey de la fiesta. Un conquistador nato que desde la sonrisa, el desparpajo y la picardía, encandila al público retándolo con un golpe de cadera.
Photos: Remedios Málvarez
Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol Rafael Campallo – Cajasol