3º Festival Suma Flamenca 2008. La música de los espejos. Luis García Montero & Enrique Morente

de la Comunidad de Madrid

Olivar de Castillejo. 10:00pm. June 9th, 2008

Text: Manuel Moraga

Photos: Rafael Manjavacas

Poetry, Luís García Montero
Cante, Enrique Morente
Guitar, Juan José Suárez “Paquete”
Director, José María Velázquez-Gaztelu


Yes, no, maybe…  The weather was touch and go, and the show’s fate was in the air.  But in the end the night let us see the moon in the sky over Olivar de Castillejo.  Despite the cold, performers and audience kept a stiff upper lip.  But it wasn’t a sacrifice, more like a pleasure.

Definitely a real treat.  There are many things that make up La Música de los Espejos, a series included within the Festival Suma Flamenca of the Madrid community.  To begin with, the encounter of poetry and flamenco, poets and singers, written poetry, read poetry, sung poetry.  Then there was the setting, Olivar in the center of Madrid, a tribute to nature, literature and art.  Add to this the feeling of intimacy that comes from being close to the stage and with limited seating.  Even the wintry cold of last night couldn’t freeze the poetic aura that forms in this type of presentation.

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“The reciprocity between music and verse today face each other in a third mirror: the Alhambra”, said José María Velázquez-Gaztelu, director of the series, during the presentation of Luis García Montero and Morente.  Two Granada men who share friendship and art: “Not only is he (Morente) around, but things happen..Morente is an attitude, a way of being in relation to art” said the poet, who continued defining the singer as a maestro “who teaches us how to differentiate between tradition and traditionalism, and separate purity from puritanism”.

The poetic-musical trip we took last night in Madrid began and ended in Granada, passing through Madrid, and it started out with a poem written in the framework of guajira.  García Montero continued with “Ciudad Nativa”, referring to Morente’s listening to the flamencos of Albaycín, and he asked Enrique to sing granaína.  The poet is also a teacher, so he not only knows how to write, but also speak and spur interest.  He continued paying tribute to Lorca with his “Huerta de San Vicente”, and Morente responded with extracts of Canciones de la Romería.

A brief incursion into France: “Coillure” is the name of the poem García Montero dedicated to Antonio Machado and Ángel González.  The singer interpreted Machado’s “Recuerdo Infantil” and “Apuntes”.

And for the final number, Luís García Montero dedicated a poem to Madrid and asked Enrique Morente to evoke his apprenticeship in the capital along with maestros like Pepe de la Matrona, Pericón de Cádiz, Juan Varea, Bernardo de los Lobitos, Rafael Romero, etc.   Morente sang the famous malagueña “Viva Madrid que es la Corte”, ending with the Granada fandangos of Frasquito Yerbabuena. And that was the end of the trip, exactly where it had begun, and a lot of memories along the way.  What better way to close this round-trip to poetry and flamenco than pulling up that first poem that opened this third night of Música de los Espejos that Morente sang to guajira:

Café de luces espesas,
salta la noche en astillas
cuando las últimas sillas
son bosques sobre las mesas.
Es muy tarde. Tú me besas
olvidada del horario.
Un camarero, corsario
del tiempo, nos mira frío.
Yo busco desde el vacío
otro reino imaginario.

Nostalgia de perseguidos,
en el día de la bruma
compro los barcos hundidos.
Sus mástiles son espuma
de ciudad, son la maleza
del sueño y de la tristeza,
que en el viento legendario
se agita para escribir:
No es necesario vivir.
Navegar es necesario.

(Luís García Montero)

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