Giraldillos 19th Bienal Flamenco de Sevilla

Giraldillos de la XIX Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla

Giraldillos de la XIX Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla

Sara Arguijo

The winners of the Giraldillo prizes of the Bienal de Flamenco in diverse categories, have just been announced.

Today, October 17th, 2016, at the headquarters of the Seville Bienal, members of the consulting committee, and other authorities, met to determine the winners of the “Giraldillo” prizes for the 19th Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla.

The meeting was presided by the Culture delegate of the Seville city hall, D. Antonio Muñoz, and participating without a vote, the director of the Bienal, D. Cristóbal Ortega, and secretary without voice or vote, D. José María Sousa Aparicio.  The panel was made up of members of the consulting committee, cultural journalists and professionals related to the world of flamenco who have awarded these honorary prizes in the form of the Giraldillo.

Members of the consulting committee: Doña Maríangeles Carrasco Hidalgo, Doña Marta Carrasco Benítez, Doña Cristina Cruces Roldán, D. Manuel Rodríguez Rodríguez and D. Manuel Herrera Rodas. Others who participated in the decision were D. Manuel Martín Martín, D. Juan Vergillos, D. Antonio Zoido, Doña Rocío Plaza, Doña Sara Arguijo, D. Conrado Rodríguez Tejada, D. Ricardo Cadenas, D. Manuel Pedraz, D. Alejandro Luque and D. Juan Manuel Suárez Japón.


Giraldillo cante: Marina Heredia

Giraldillo  baile: Rocío Molina


Giraldillo toque: Vicente Amigo.

Giraldillo best show: “Catedral” de Patricia Guerrero

– Giraldillo New artist: María Terremoto

– Giraldillo Innovation: “Diálogos”, Rocío Márquez & Fahmi Alqhai

– Giraldillo Ciudad de Sevilla: “Bailando una vida” de Rubén Olmo con Milagros Menjíbar & Ana María Bueno & Manolo Marín & José Galván

– Magic Moment of the Bienal: José Valencia “De Sevilla a Cádiz”

– Giraldillo a proposal by the jury: Al cuerpo de baile del Ballet Flamenco de Andalucía.


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