Málaga en Flamenco. Tomatito, Fosforito, Manuela Carrasco, Niña Pastori – Images

Tomatito, Fosforito,
Manuela Carrasco, Niña Pastori

Friday, September 30th,
2005. Málaga bullring

Text: Estela Zatania – Photos: Málaga en Flamenco

Another elaborate show from the megafestival “Málaga
en Flamenco” nearly filled the Málaga bullring the
last day of September. Veteran artists Tomatito, Manuela Carrasco
and Niña Pastori, not to mention the singer who is set to
receive the historic Llave de Oro del Cante, Antonio Fernández
Díaz “Fosforito”, offered a well-rounded show
of classic forms without skimping on contemporary flamenco.

Tomatito appeared with his usual group that includes second guitar
Cristóbal Santiago, singers Lucía Montoya and Tomatito’s
daughter María Angeles Fernández, dancer Juan de Juan,
Bernardo Parrilla on violin and Lucky Losada doing the percussion.

Fosforito offered his traditional cante with the guitar accompaniment
of Manuel Silveria and Antonio Soto, and dancer Manuela Carrasco
brought the complete group she has been presenting this year with
special guest artist Manuel Molina, the guitars of Joaquín
Amador, Miguel Iglesias and Pedro Sierra, the voices of Enrique
el Extremeño, Antonio Zúñiga, Samara Amador,
Manuela’s daughter and la Tobala, in addition to dancer Rafael
del Carmen.

In the second part, with the guitar of Diego de Morao, the popular
singer and cantaora from San Fernando, Niña Pastori gave
a recital that included work from her last record “No hay
quinto malo” and as always, demonstrated her ability to sing
traditional cante as well.


Niña Pastori
'No hay quinto malo'

'Agua dulce'




more information:

en Flamenco' Special


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