Los Tarantos – The Flamenco Musical

On September 20th, under the direction of Emilio Fernández, the musical “Los Tarantos”, an adaptation of the work by Alfredo Mañas and the film of the same name by F. Rovira Beleta starring Antonio Gades and Carmen Amaya, the musical “Los Tarantos is scheduled to premiere at the Teatre Musical de Barcelona where it will be playing until October 30th.

musical was created by guitarist Chicuelo with the collaboration of Tomatito,
and arrangements by Enric Palomar. Javier Latorre was in charge of the

Extensive auditions were held throughout Andalucía, Madrid and
Barcelona to select the singers and dancers who will give life to this
passionate story of love and death. The main roles for this first ever
flamenco musical are to be interpreted by Carmelilla Montoya, Ana Salazar,
Candy Román and Juan Carlos Lérida.

Listen to
the music: Los Tarantos

Real audio


Chicuelo, Javier Latorre y Emilio Fernández

The original “Los Tarantos” by Alfredo Mañas takes
off from the idea of Romeo and Juliet and is set in the marginal gypsy
neighborhood of Barcelona’s Somorrostro where the two families,
the Tarantos and the Zorongos, face off in the famous feud. Director Francisco
Rovira Beleta’s film version (1963) starring Carmen Amaya and Antonio
Gades was a tremendous success that was nominated for the Oscar for Best
Foreign Film.

In the musical, the part of Soledad, widowed mother from the Tarantos
clan, is to be interpreted by Carmelilla Montoya and her children, Ismael,
Alegrías and Salvador will be played by Juan Carlos Lérida,
Virginia Ureña and Juan Mateos. The part of the young woman Juana
is played by singer-dancer Ana Salazar whose recording “Ana Salazar
sings Edith Piaf” was much acclaimed last year. The cast also includes
Cristobal García, Rubén Olmo, Miguel Cañas and Antonio
Castro among a total of fifty individuals on-stage.

Av. de la Guardia Urbana, s/n
Tel. 934 236 463

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00pm
Saturday: 6:30pm and 10:00pm
Sunday: 6:30pm

TICKETS: 12 to 50 Euros.

TICKET SALES: Tel-entrada Caixa Catalunya, teleentrada
and at box office.

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