“CÓNFÍ DE FUÁ” – Andalusian pronunciation of the exquisite French specialty “Confit de foie” –……., this is the name under which JOSÉ MERCÉ presents his exquisite music.

As with his
two previous recordings, “Aire” and “Lío”,
Mercé’s new album is almost completely composed and produced
by Isidro Muñoz. Recorded at what can be considered his second
home, La Kaleta Studios in Cádiz, “CONFÍ DE FUÁ”
includes the guitars of Moraíto and son Diego del Morao and the
percussion of “El Piraña” among other collaborations.
Although he relies on his regular musicians, today’s most popular
singer doesn’t take the easy route of continuing in the same line,
but rather has chosen to surprise his fans with a great leap forward in
his own particular flamenco vision.

From an ambience of small dark clubs that permeates the title theme,
to the Latin-soul connection of “Saliva Curativa” with the
back-up voice of Diego Carrasco doing rap, or the pacifist declaration
“Líbreme el hombre”, it all adds up to a record which,
like the dish it’s named after, is a delicious but accessible treat,
available to everyone. “CONFÍ DE FUÁ” manages
to offer traditional flamenco side by side with other kinds of music.
A better-known and more popular version of the popular song “Clandestino”
of Manu Chao spices up and complements Isidro’s compositions spectacularly.

Without a doubt this is a most humanistic, user-friendly recording made
for the man in the street. An album in which JOSÉ MERCÉ
reinvents himself yet another time and shows his dedication to social
causes surprising the listener with his round powerful voice by transmitting
feelings that transport us to inner worlds, full of light and color, joy
and also…sadness. All without sacrificing one bit of flamenco depth.
The classic flamenco forms are delivered in that special style he dominates
so well that no one has been able to even come close. This is his ID,
his seal of identity….and what makes him unique.


de fuá” is being released November 8th
Special edition CD in digi-pack CD + DVD



JOSE MERCÉ in concert:
TEATRO LOPE DE VEGA (Madrid) – Gran Vía, 57
Monday November 22nd and 29th. 9:30pm.

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