5th Congreso Internacional Universitario of Flamenco Investigation

Congreso Internacional Universitario

Congreso Internacional Universitario

On December 2nd, 3rd and 4th the Congress will be celebrated on the Campus of los Jerónimos of the UCAM of Murcia, organized by the Cante de las Minas Foundation and the Catholic University de Murcia with the participation of Estrella Morente.

The Granada artist, Director of the Cátedra Internacional de Flamencología de la UCAM, will participate in a talk along with José María Velázquez-Gaztelu and will close out the Congress with a Flamenco Mass at the Los Jerónimos Monastery.

Registration is now open, and work may be submitted for the Congress and made available on the web of the UCAM (eventos.ucam.edu)


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